our strategy

Mobilizing the majority against maga for a new democratic trifecta.

We’re at a crossroads. One path leads to a democratic trifecta that codifies abortion rights and passes democracy reform. The other path leads to the implementation of MAGA’s 900-page “Project 2025” - a detailed plan for making Trump a dictator, in his words, “on day one.”

After mobilizing a grassroots movement to build the Blue Wave in 2018, defeat Donald Trump in 2020, and stop the supposedly inevitable red wave in 2022, Indivisible is launching Project 2024: Majority Over MAGA, a nationwide program to ensure MAGA’s Project 2025 never sees the light of day. Together, we’ll build a new Democratic trifecta and mobilize a majority against the anti-democracy, anti-abortion politics of MAGA. This program is rooted in the strength of the thousands of local Indivisible groups nationwide and a groundbreaking, innovative strategy for voter engagement.

in 2024, there’s no room for error

Real-talk: the 2024 election is an uphill battle for Democrats. The Senate map leaves no room for error, and we can’t count on voter enthusiasm for the top of the ticket to carry us to victory. To win, we will need to make sure that voters are focused on the issues where Democrats hold a competitive advantage — fighting MAGA extremism on democracy and abortion.

The campaign is effectively highlighting the stakes of the race and the contrast between Democrats and Donald Trump on these issues. But they can’t do it alone — for the message to resonate with voters on the ground, we need effective local messengers to drive home the stakes, generate energy among the base, and reach those disaffected voters at real risk of staying home in November.

Which voters are we talking to?

Through Project 2024: Majority Over MAGA, Indivisibles across the country will work to turn out a winning electoral coalition with special tactics to reach two key groups: likely Democratic voters at risk of staying home and “double hater” voters who have negative opinions of both presidential candidates. These voters’ behavior decided the outcomes in 2016 and 2020, and this year, they make up an even larger proportion of the electorate. Although they’re being heavily targeted with Republican messaging on inflation and immigration, we know that they care about democracy and reproductive freedom—and if they turn out based on those issues, we will win.

the gameplan

Local Voices Shaping the Stakes

Trusted community members will highlight the importance of this election, using op-eds, media events, and grassroots activities nationwide to define it as a referendum on MAGA.

Battleground Arizona

Arizona is crucial this cycle with key Senate and House races. Indivisible groups will drive turnout by focusing on an abortion access referendum and federal electoral targets.

Double-down in must-win priority House & Senate races

We'll concentrate efforts on must-win House and Senate races, providing local Indivisibles with the tools and resources to influence voter turnout and drive the narrative.

Neighborhood voter mobilization

Our Neighbor2Neighbor tool will empower volunteers to engage with voters in their own neighborhoods, maximizing impact not just in our priority target geographies but in all competitive races.

In 2024, we’re making our groundbreaking Neighbor2Neighbor canvassing tool available to Indivisible groups and individuals across an expanded list of competitive races nationwide. You can view that full list on our Neighbor2Neighbor page. Below, you can explore our priority target House and Senate races, which will receive the highest level of investment and support from our national team.



No matter where you live, you can have an impact

Whether or not Neighbor2Neighbor is available in your area — you can still take action to mobilize against the anti-democracy, anti-abortion politics of MAGA extremists. Winning a Democratic trifecta will take all of us.